TRIBE – Mandubarra

Mandubarra people are Traditional Owners from the rainforest and sea country of Far North Queensland.
We are ‘Mandubarra’ from the rainforest, fresh & saltwater people of the Innisfail area. Our people are rainforest saltwater people and my ancestors thrived and lived in harmony with the natural environment for over 60,000 years. We are not from the bush or the dry / desert, we are arboreal people who also access the natural resources of our traditional sea country.
We love to share our culture with visitors from all over the world and hope they too will enjoy and get as much satisfaction out of sharing our cultural history as much as we do.
Progress has been a curse on our traditional country where progress has devastated large tracts of rainforests, rivers and streams. Constant land clearing is also choking our mangroves and reefs.
 We have seen native animals decline in great numbers in the very short time that we have existed on this planet.
This is why we must continue to share the stories of our people, animals and country to make the world community more aware of the ‘plight’ of the extremely delicate and diverse ecosystems where our people have lived and cared for, for 60,000 + years.

We all must work together so the next generations will get to see what we have seen and experienced growing up, living and learning in this beautiful land where the rainforest meets the sea.


An amazingly beautiful animal native that resides within our traditional country.  

The Wallaby is celebrated by our Mob in traditional song and dance that reflect thousands of years history and is still being performed today and for generations to come.

*ALL pics of paintings are painted by ‘Iljiddimor’ and are subject to copyright ©.